Lost: a conversation with my soul!
I should write this in Spanish? NO, I should write this in English... ummm, I should write this in every possible language and then write it on my skin. Because in truth I do not know what my role, duty, or want is anymore...
But I am here daring to search for the answers in the middle of the unknown.
I have lost the north, the path, the light of the way, so many times in so little time..
I know there is light waiting for us all to discover. Perhaps this present time is a gift given by the miracle that living is, so we can regain the strength of all that is basic and real. We lost the way to HUMANITY because we had our eyes blinded by power and ambition.
I have lost so much time… so many times... in so little time… ACTION IS REQUIRED.
Holding hands, aiming to see eye to eye, respecting each other and valuing the natural world, the “thing” we should treasure most.
In the present time, it is hard for me to trust the impulses
but it is imperative that I resist the doubts and fight to re-encounter the clear listening of my soul. That magical voice that has always connected me to the joy of living, to the daring of great adventures, to the sharing of a path.
I can’t breathe!
I can’t breathe.
I just can’t breathe...
Injustice is never pretty and enough is enough. I fight my war with art, with love, with awareness, with empowerment and inspiration… it is what I do, what I know how to share, what gives me and those around me the energy to share LIGHT.
Im reflective.
I’m lost.
I’m troubled.
I’m exhausted.
I’m Human.
yes, and all of this is ok because I AM HUMAN!
That's what makes this experience of living so valuable, my own humanity and vulnerability for I’m no better than any other human.

Right now I feel like each day I age a decade, gray hairs are popping up by the second. I look at the news and/or the social media and 10 more quickly emerge. How can we not be stressed over the realities we all share today? I just don’t know how to help any need or reality when thinking about the #Blacklivesmatter and the injustices, the #PANDEMIC reality, the inept governments that lead us and the farce of media battles for ratings instead of the honest caring for evolution, truth and growth… but… I’m human… and it is ok… I will turn to my brothers and sisters, to my family and ask for help cause I know we are in this together and we NEED EACH OTHER! We are inter-connected.
On May 26 as the individual man I am I wanted to go to war.... on June 1st, as a leader with the desire to guide, inspire, uplift and heal I made a call to awareness and to action, with my organization.
But yesterday, today, and who knows tomorrow… as a man, I too want to cry…
Is this this week's “blog” or is this a conversation with my soul that I am sharing? I have no idea... I think we are all having deep conversations with that inner voice.... I just know that I need words to come out of my soul, of my mind, of my pain and of my seconds of joy...
I look at the horizon and laugh… I am so many things... and I am none.
Like a rock here, I sit still and I trust, knowing I serve a purpose. Like the waves I come and go, like the wind I shake and move and like the sun I burn... like my dreams I want to fly, like the world I feel I’m fucked, like my spirit I want to hug, love, support and then in peace bring the light to were is needed and like that wish to eventually be and become a beam of hope. Simply by being human. No hero cape needed. Just the honesty of my truth and raw emotions, the rest will come.
Life right now is put on pause from the things that we once knew and the wants that we once had but now we are fighting and I know that this fight will bring a new rebirth. EVOLUTION. GROWTH!
We are morphing, mutating, transforming like a Phoenix and we will fly kinder and with more relevance than before.
What matters right now is health.
What matters right now is life and the balance in our lives.
What matters right now is justice.
Where am I going to...
Don’t ask... anymore?
The uncertainty of the now is needed to remember that we are human… we need light, the sun, the fire, the rain, the water, each other, the village… the farmer, the black, the white, the Jew, the Latin, the gay, the straight, the mother, the father we need each other and we must understand and value that truth.
PS 2
The world moves in such crazy ways that all we have left is the respect and the hug we can share among us. The hope we can give to each other and the call to action that we share. I share with you my now as a way of hugging you. My soul salutes your soul. And I hope your world is in peace.
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