Finishing the year and starting again....

Here I am, AT LAST some time to catch up to my "other" tasks! Trying to put into words what has been an incredible year of growth and now... The end of December is here. 
Has it really been 4 months since my last English blog?

I have been nonstop, I mean that literally. Opening the production of ON YOUR FEET took all of our focus, passion and love and it was worth every second of our time. Little did I know that between putting up this new Broadway show and being a father/husband, everything else would have to be put on hold. 

R.Evolución Latina always gets it's time because our team is incredible and keeps it all on the go but my own thoughts of ART WITH A PURPOSE and the focus and momentum of SalgadoProductions from the creative part simply had to go into pause mode. We have so many scripts on the table waiting for me to get to, and now... we start; WITH THE NEW YEAR!

LOTS AND LOTS OF WORK AHEAD, and honestly, I don’t have one single regret. THE TIME IS NOW and I am Grateful!

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend".

Thank you Melody Beattie for this quote and YES, I am filled with Gratitude. 

Perhaps the best way to re-start my FOCUS in all work, blogs and other pending tasks is to look back at all that has been accomplished in the last few months. The easiest way to do so might be looking at what has been documented -for life- in the recent articles and the people who I had the honor to share my journey with.

For starters a special day this month gave me the wonderful opportunity of being recognized as a cultural representative of my people and in my home town of Vega Alta. I say Thank You to the cultural center Manuel G. Medina, Lucila Rivera Concepcion, Migna Moran and all who are part of the committee for the honor.  Thanks to my beautiful Elba Nydia Perez Curbelo (MY MOM) for the blessing of growing up under your tutelage and your blessing. I say Congrats to all the awardees and THANK YOU home town for reminding me that it's all been worth it.

"One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child". - Carl Jung 

In the last weeks a lot of Press for On Your feet has happened. Some of the most important TV shows appearances include: The View, Good Morning America and the Macy's Parade

It's such an honor and learning experience to be walking the path with such great examples as Gloria Estefan and Emilio Estefan. They have set such a high bar of representation and I have really enjoyed each step of the way so far.

“Sixteen years ago, the only thing we had when the accident happened was hope. And I think what we see here is the beginning of hope for a lot of kids.”-  Emilio Estefan quote

I am one of those kids. Our entire cast is beaming over the current time and work. Here I share some amazing moments and quotes:

First, Pablo García Gámez 

"El multifacético artista puertorriqueño Luis Salgado continua avanzando su trayectoria profesional en el firmamento de Broadway. Con su participación en la exitosa obra musical On Your Feet, Luis Salgado, incursiona por cuarta vez como bailarín y actor en este competitivo campo. Un logro para cualquier artista con dicha aspiración." - El Blog de Pablo: Reflexiones yespeculaciones sobre el teatro hispano de Nueva York.

Second,  I Had the incredible honor of seeing my dear friend and a mentor in my youth Jailene Cintrón.
Little did I know she would dedicate her first December column to me of Mujer,pa’ ti at the Primera Hora News paper.

"Mi bailarín, mi amigo, mi niño -como siempre le digo- hoy por hoy me ha dado el privilegio de ser parte de su historia. Está casado con esa jovencita de la que se enamoró en mis presentaciones, tiene un niño hermoso, Hikari, quien ya se ve que tiene en su sangre el talento de papá."  

These were some of the words that touch my heart! 

The island has always been my home. I connect and re-connect with it to charge my own heart with hope and purpose, having the constant support of it is the greatest gift one could have.

Jaime Torres titled his piece: ‘LuisSalgado: Coreografía a la Disciplina.  That alone was empowering enough to continue walking the path with commitment and truth each day regardless of the obstacles that might come. "Su especialidad es contar historias mediante el canto, el baile y la actuación." and that is what I seek, dream and work to continue to do!  Thank you Jaime and Fundación Nacional para la CulturaPopular.

It was super fun to be able to experience the great space and photography of Fit For Broadway.

Jane Jourdan's intro read: 

"If you need inspiration for positive energy and fueling happiness, Luis would be it! Beyond being an amazing spirit, Luis ignites his purpose on such a deeper level through giving back with the organization he founded, R.Evolucion Latina. I’m so in awe of the impact he is making by living his passion day in and day out & FIT FOR BROADWAY!"

Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. - Melody Beattie 

It is a year of Diversity on Broadway and I am proud and HONORED to be a part of it.

The BLEEP MAGAZINE did a great piece on this topic, or more like a few WONDERFUL articles I highly invite you to read. They are also celebrating their five-year anniversary and I am humbled by being included in their celebration as I shared what creativity means to me.

"For me creativity is a collection of experiences that explode in an active reaction. As a choreographer or director I am affected by music, by text and images. I use these sensations as a catalyst to form something new, a dance step, a phrase a new idea. Perhaps it's the same in life, I feel the impact of many different moments of my day affecting me and therefore always have a new discovery to play with. Creativity is the way evolution continues to manifest in our society yesterday and today."

So, as I say in one of these articles:  "If you are going to follow the path of your dream you must COMMIT and follow that path." a Paulo Coelho quote, if you know me you already know I love his work!

More to come very soon....
for now, check out our New Broadway World Article by my dear friend Juan Jose Gonzalez and the ten minute special interview at BRONXNET's Open Artist Spotlight with Rhina Valentin.

Stay healthy, positive and find your new focus for 2016!
Let's stay in the path and we will see each other in the journey to art with a purpose very soon!

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. - John F. Kennedy


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  1. not only do you ooze positivity and confidence - you live it as well! ~Tom Ryan (Philly, PA)

  2. And you ooze gorgeousness! Inside and out. What a smile. What a dancer!
    What a sweet person.

  3. Thank you for being so inviting to connect and for being so motivated to "[enable] the next generation of people to tell their diverse stories," as you mentioned in your Bleep Mag interview. The world of the performing arts is new to me, and it is so refreshing to find that there are other artists who are supporting new artists from all walks of life to tell their stories. Yes, the time is now. Cheers!


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