
‘Latino presence on Broadway’

  Don’t miss a brand New HOLA Panel: ‘Latino presence on Broadway’ In person Sunday, May 19 @ 5PM EST IATI Theater Register today! Join us for an insightful discussion on the “Latino presence on Broadway” at the upcoming HOLA Panel. Moderated by esteemed journalist Fernando Cárdenas, this panel brings together industry leaders to explore the impact, challenges, and triumphs of Latino representation in Broadway theater. Confirmed panelists include Director and Choreographer Luis Salgado from R.Evolucion Latina, producer Valentina Berger, and the Chair of The American Theatre Wing and celebrated Costume Designer, Emilio Sosa. Gain unique insights and perspectives from these accomplished professionals as they delve into the complexities of fostering diversity and inclusion on the Broadway stage. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage in a meaningful dialogue that celebrates the vibrant contributions of Latino artists to the world of theater.   ¡Te invitamos a unirte a esta importante mesa

Propósito , es esa pequeña llama que enciende un fuego debajo de tu C#l@!!!!

¿Qué es el arte con propósito?  "Arte con Propósito" es, en realidad, una conversación entre todos nosotros que siempre debe estar presente para ayudarnos a permanecer inspirados y buscar el crecimiento. Cuando buscas la palabra propósito, esta es la primera cosa que encuentras: La razón por la cual algo se hace o se crea, o para los que existe algo.  Como artistas, ¿por qué hacemos lo que hacemos? Vivimos en una época de lujo: el mundo de hoy tiene más acceso a los beneficios y comodidades que las necesidades básicas de supervivencia que necesitábamos durante la Época de las cavernas. El arte, de alguna manera, es un lujo, pero yo diría que lo necesitamos para sobrevivir. Es una vía necesaria para seguir compartiendo procesos de pensamiento, diferentes puntos de vista sociales y políticos, ideas educativas y, por supuesto, entretenimiento que nos ayuda a hacer frente y avanzar en las tareas difíciles del mundo actual. Puesto que ya no estamos luchando contra leones n

Reflections on Theater: Musings from the Heart

A night of theater is a sensation that defies simple description. It's an experience so profound, so deeply felt, that it often becomes something we want to hold close to our hearts, cherishing its memory like a precious gem. Yet, as cherished as these moments are, they can also be elusive, difficult to come by in a world where the art of theater, particularly musical theater, demands nothing short of sheer brilliance. But oh, how I adore it! With every fiber of my being, I love it, knowing firsthand the transformative power it holds. I find myself reflecting on the plethora of exceptional shows I've had the pleasure of witnessing in recent months. As I recently posted, I was in London watching shows that touched me deeply and then came to NYC and have been lucky to see some great shows here too. This week I saw "Mary Jane"… Last Week "The Wiz"…. I have been talking about shows like "Moving Out," "Contact," "Dancing," what they

Exploring NYC and Me: A Vast World, Re-Embarking on the Artistic Journey with Purpose

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's easy to forget the rich diverse cultures, experiences, and opportunities that New York City has to offer. Recently, I had the chance to step out of my routine and immerse myself in one of these experiences at a gathering hosted by my non-profit organization R.Evolución Latina, we dedicated to artistic experiences for transformation and social change. I arrived at the gathering feeling a mix of excitement and curiosity. Two events were happening simultaneously: a sound bath organized by Denisse Ambert and lead by Rebecca Gitana Torres and also we provided at the same time a dance class by the talented Matthew Steffens. As I reflect on the day, I can't help but feel a sense of pride for the team behind these events. OR TEAM! OUR LEADERS!!!! Despite being schedule not he same day and the same time, both gatherings were incredibly successful, drawing in a diverse crowd and leaving a lasting impact on all who attended. Having to choose

Explorando las Posibilidades de lo Imposible: Un Viaje de Superación y Pasión

Ya va un tiempo atrás.... Mientras hojeaba las páginas del Amsterdam News de Nueva York, me encontré con un artículo que resonó profundamente conmigo. En él, expresé públicamente mi gratitud hacia dos figuras fundamentales en mi vida artística: el maestro que siempre creyó en mí y me inspiró, y aquel que una vez dudó abiertamente de mis sueños frente a mis propios ojos. Recuerdo claramente las palabras que resonaron en mi mente cuando me dijeron que nunca lograría mis sueños dentro del círculo de amistades artísticas con las que crecí, en comparación con otros talentos que se consideraban más "atractivos" o con una mejor "voz" que la mía. Sin embargo, en retrospectiva, les debo mi carrera en gran parte a ambos. El maestro que me inspiró me brindó confianza y fe en mi camino, mientras que aquel que dudó de mí se convirtió en un ancla constante en mi vida, impulsándome a demostrar una y otra vez que sus palabras no me definirían. Como dice la canción de Lou Briel, &qu

Celebrating Dance and Community: A Night at Dance Lab Honors

Have you ever experienced a moment where the energy of dance and the power of community collide in the most beautiful way possible? That's exactly what happened when I was invited to Dance Lab Honors, an event that not only celebrated the remarkable Graciela Daniele but also showcased the incredible talent and passion within the dance community. Graciela Daniele, an Argentine-American dancer, choreographer, and theatre director, was at the heart of the evening's celebration. Her contributions to the world of dance are nothing short of extraordinary, and being able to honor her alongside fellow dance enthusiasts was a true privilege. Hosted by Dance Lab New York, the only independent organization exclusively dedicated to promoting and advancing the art form of choreography, the event was a testament to the vitality of dance and its ability to unite people from all walks of life. As the evening unfolded, I found myself swept away by the mesmerizing performances. Amanda Castro, Ar