Last 2016 broadway performance (for now)

 One last time... One last performance, one more CONGA!

It's been almost 2 years since we started this AMAZING journey of ON YOUR FEET. One full year since we started rehearsals and the stories are plentiful.

This company has held hands so tightly, from the passion, devotion, desires and dreams of the very first rehearsal. That day was filled with the reality of, not only doing what we love but of sharing it as LATINOS. A room of artists who speak, look and talk similarly, who share a pride and want with great passion that made it an even greater ride for us all.

From Linedy's innocence, to Yasmin's heroic comeback, from Eddie and Kevin's footwork and speed to Alma's tenacity and consistency, from the great collective moments of joy under fireworks during our first fourth of July together to taking over in the lawn of the White House, dancing under the rain in our second July 4th celebration we've been one... We have been one  at the moments we have had to stand together to protect our artistic integrity against the incredible cold temperatures we once face inside the theater or the protection of our vocal material rights... our company has STOOD together, AS ONE!!!! 

It's impossible to not miss Lee sitting down making jokes with Carlitos before Mi Tierra and the ecstasy  I get to share with my Dear Nina Lafarga in that same number every night. My boxing warm up with my Brother Santana... Our crazy dressing room, with Brett, Hector, Carlos, Omar and Henry and all our different personalities co-existing. EVERY SINGLE SECOND is a valuable one, our dance captains working so hard, our Stage Managers going NON STOP. Our FAMILIA connection between those who came from our IN THE HEIGHTS experiences. Andrea Burns, Eliseo Roman, the very very sweet Doreen Montalvo, Marcos Santana, Nina Lafarga.... I mean.... I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!

The joy of Welcoming Ektor into the cast and the admirable consistency of our very human lead Ana Villafañe, every one of the people in our space is a treasure. Genny Lee Padilla, Angelica, Jennifer, Fabi, Alexandra (la grande), Marielys Molina... I mean, I could mention each and every name but the point is, I LOVE YOU ALL!
Our band, our crew, our wardrobe team, David and his details, Joe and his Sparks... The back stage crew and every time we high five during the show... OUR AMAZING BAND!

I am grateful for the time, art, passion and pain we've shared and now is time to say goodbye. This could be the last show we do together at On Your Feet or this could just be the last of 2016 and I sure HOPE is just that and that starting 2017 we  get to Get On our Feet many more times. But if tonight was the last one for me, PLEASE KNOW that my heart has been fulfilled and is GRATEFUL of having shared it all with your artistic spirits!

"Gonna fly now, flying high now
Gonna fly, fly, fly" 

 I had to do a Rocky theme Right....?

I moved to NYC in 2002 dreaming of ONE DAY making it to a BROADWAY STAGE and today I stand on it once again and trust me is not being taken for granted. Now is time to FLY and rest and heal and re-charge with my own blood FAMILY, to be merged fully in their LOVE... as Carlitos sweet mother said to me... is time to "Dejar Fluir La vida" without a daily plan for a bit.... and in 2017 be back to make a lot more ART WITH A PURPOSE.

So, "Voy a reír, voy a bailar / vivir mi vida la la la la / voy a reír, voy a gozar / vivir mi vida la la la la…"






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