Find your Music, and tune to your favorite radio station
In life, as in art, we need to keep finding new ways to inspire our hearts and our work. Music is a huge part of that! It could be the old dance track that always moves you around the house, or the incredible amount of new choices you might find from places like Pandora, Spotify, YouTube , life, etc... But the truth is there is music everywhere, and we need it in our lives. Music fine-tunes our Spirits, music moves our soul and music can indeed inspire great new ideas. Every human being has music and we "tune" our selves into that... When selecting a new show for Salgado Productions , I need to feel its music even when it's not a musical. I need actors reading the scripts out loud and I try to experience every rhythm that particular piece of art has as potential. If I feel the "lyrics" (text, content) matter or the "musical journey" (conflict, tension, arch, release) takes me on a ride, then I go on and have more conversations about the work. If...