Reviews about Luis Salgado's ON YOUR FEET "A joyful and thrilling ‘On Your Feet!’ comes to life in Spanish at GALA"

BWW Review said: ON YOUR FEET! La Historia De Emilio Y Gloria Estefan! En Espanol! at Gala Hispanic Theatre " Choreography by Mr. Salgado is sizzling, stylized and technically proficient throughout the production. A huge ensemble of terrific dancers exploded on the stage space and these dancers danced up a storm with verve and electric energy." " Direction and choreography by Luis Salgado and (associate director) Valeria Cossu have enhanced the fascinating source material of the Estefan and Fajardo family by giving the more intimate scenes as much heft as the dance numbers. A gentle and kind spirit hovers over this entire enterprise, even in the most emotional and intense scenes, and it is refreshing to see this quality in a musical." Ajani Jones said: " GALA Hispanic Theatre’s completely Spanish rendition of the 2018 Broadway musical, directed and choreographed by Luis Salgado, managed to perfectly recount the couple’s hard-fought rise to fame as their b...