Luis Salgado's Hostos’ 50th Anniversary commencement speech for the 2018 Graduates!

This week I had the honor of taking part at the Hostos College 50 years Celebration. The graduation had me nervous for weeks. Way more than when I have to perform or when I open a show I have directed or choreograph. After all the "attempt" to be ready when I got there I started getting emotional seeing the dreams and example of so many people going beyond, that I end it up not saying everything I wrote but heroes what I worked on with a heart filled with love and respect for each and every person graduating on this special day. Thank you Hostos Community College for the gift of having me there. I was supposed to “inspire” but is me who came out beyond inspired, all the diversity of students, DREAMERS and the many who accomplished their goals on this day had me to tears. I’m beyond words... I’m simply HUMAN AND SIMPLY GRATEFUL. Dear Maestro PRESIDENTE David Gomez wow. BRAVO! All my respect you. Dreams do come true! So man...