
Showing posts from May, 2018

Check out NFAND Episode 103 | Luis Salgado, dancer, choreographer, director by Soldanela Rivera (Notes From A Native Daughter)

Episode 103 | "If you don’t know Luis Salgado, watch out for him. This Puerto Rican artist, dancer, choreographer, and director does not stop. His artistic journey is inspiring and his accolades are truly all hard earned. Something I respect and love. Last week he and his artistic team of the Spanish production of “In The Heights” presented in 2017 at the Gala Theater in Washington D.C. won a bunch of Helen Hayes Awards including: Outstanding choreography in a musical — Helen Luis Salgado, “In the Heights,” GALA Hispanic Theatre Outstanding lighting design — Helen Christopher Annas-Lee, “In the Heights,” GALA Hispanic Theatre Outstanding direction in a musical — Helen Luis Salgado, “In the Heights,” GALA Hispanic Theatre Outstanding Ensemble in a musical — Helen “In the Heights,” GALA Hispanic Theatre Outstanding lead actress in a musical — Hayes Rayanne Gonzales, “In the Heights,” Olney Theatre Center & Round House Theatre Outstanding lead...

Check out the 2018-2019 TEATRO GALA season and more news

Hips Don't Lie! Salsa Will Make You Dance Our 2017-18 season closes with the DC premiere of  Dancing in my Cockroach Killers , a bilingual OFF-Broadway Boricua musical inspired by  Puerto Rican icons such as  Lolita Lebrón, Joe Cuba, and Iris Chacón. Sway to Latin rhythms  in this explosive mix of texts and music that delivers the full range of playwright  Magdalena Gómez ’s rhythmic realism, boundless hope, and rollicking humor.  A co-production with Pregones Theater/PRTT (New York) PAY-WHAT-YOU-CAN PREVIEW on Wednesday, June 6, 8 pm $20 Tickets to Community Night performance on Thursday, June 7, 8 pm Dancing in my Cockroach Killers  runs  June 7 through July 1, 2018 , Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 pm, and Sundays at 2 pm.  TICKETS AVAILABLE HERE ¡Tus caderas no mienten! Te moverás al ritmo de salsa Cerramos nuestra temporada 2017-18 con el estreno en DC de  "Nuyoricans en ritmos entaconados" , una...


  IN THE HEIGHTS    CELEBRATES 9 AWARDS           On May 14th,  In The Heights  at GALA Theatre in collaboration Salgado Production team took home 9 Helen Hayes Awards including Best Musical.    WHAT WE TOOK HOME  Outstanding Production in a Musical  Outstanding Direction in a Musical:  Luis Salgado Outstanding Choreography in a Musical:  Luis Salgado Outstanding Musical Direction:  Walter "Bobby" McCoy Outstanding Costume Design: Robert Croghan Outstanding Lighting Design: Christopher Annas-Lee Outstanding Ensemble in a Musical Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Musical: Felix Marchany Outstanding Lead Actress in a Musical: Laura Lebrón     Congrats to the entire artistic community in Washingto D.C  See full list of winners On the same night in NYC Salgado Productions participated in TELEMUNDO's UPFRONT 2018 events in New York C...